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Zenifer Adventure adicionado em 10 Jun 2024 5 vezes jogadas 1 jogador, Armadilhas, Plataformas, Habilidade com o Rato, Obstáculo, Rolagem lateral, Saltar, Android, HTML5, Telemóvel, iPhone, iPad, Touchscreen

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Descrição do jogo:

Story begins with King Zulifer and his kingdom, but he becomes very sick due to the magical power of the black witch, now Princess Zenifer has to collect Leaf stones by winning each level. Your goal is to play the role of the princess Zenifer and escape the Rock monster. The way is full of traps and mysterious adventures. Be Careful! When crossing the platform, falling down will over the game. Don’t forget to collect crystal coins. Enjoy playing as Princess Zenifer in this fun chasing adventure game here at!

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