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Fish Growing adicionado em 08 May 2024 34 vezes jogadas 2 jogadores, 1 jogador, Água, Peixe, HTML5, 3 Jogadores

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Descrição do jogo:

Deep under water lives many different kinds of fish. Many of them hunt for weaker ones that would grow and become stronger. Today in the game Fish Growing, we will help one of them fight for their survival. Before us, the seabed will be seen on the screen. Under the water will be your character will swim. He will hunt for other fish. They will be visible to you. Your task is clever to avoid a collision with large and large fish, but those who are smaller than your character in size you will have to attack and devour. This will give you the opportunity to increase the size of your character and give him the chance to hunt larger fish. Enjoy playing this game here at!

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